Wondering What to Do for DadBoss?

Photo by via Flickr Creative Commons.
Photo by via Flickr Creative Commons.

by christy webb.

Whew! I know what you’re thinking. “I finally managed to get my charge to complete their Mother’s Day gift, and now, already? It is time for Father’s Day Gifts?”

Don’t panic! I want to share an idea with you in hopes that you won’t feel stressed or overwhelmed with having to brainstorm and execute yet another creative idea.

In a pinch, my go-to idea is a candid Q&A with my charge to get them to spill their perspective of their parent. With the following questions you can either handwrite the answers in a format similar to what a certificate may look like or type it up, also formatting it in such a way that it looks like the real thing. Usually I prefer handwritten, especially if your charge can write without help!

Make Your DadBoss Feel Like the World’s Best Dad!

Ask your charges to help you fill in their dad’s certificate by posing the following questions for them.

What Is…

Daddy’s Name?Daddy’s Weight?

Daddy’s Height?

Daddy’s Address?

Daddy’s Age?

Daddy’s Job?

Finish the Sentence. “My dad ______”

“…likes to ______.”“…doesn’t like to ______.”

“…likes to go ______.”

“…gets mad when ______.”

What is Daddy’s favorite?







Finish the Sentence. “I love my dad because ______.”

Open ended.

Prepare to double over with laughter at some of the answers you’re sure to see, especially with the younger set.

A cute addition would be to leave a space for your charge to leave a signature. For babies, use a painted handprint of theirs. For toddlers, you could cut out the letters of their name from a magazine and have them paste their names onto the certificate. For older kids, have them write their name to the best of their ability. When making gifts, try to help as little as possible. You really should aim for your charge’s input to shine and your assistance to be subtle.