Meet the Baby behind the April 2017 Cover!

Nanny Magazine's April 2017 issue is all about beauty. So it's fitting that our cover model for this issue is the absolute picture of perfection.

We chatted with Andrea Pagan, the photographer behind the stunning photo on our April 2017 issue cover, to get the inside scoop behind all the cuteness.

What is this darling child's name?

My daughter's name is Fallon Mae.

Okay... we love that. What are her favorite activities?

She is a very fun and sassy 10 month old who loves her brother very much. She knows what she wants and crawls after it. She has brought so much joy to our lives. 

What's her favorite food?

Right now we currently love anything Mommy and Daddy are eating. She could be enjoying her baby bananas but the second she sees us with something, she has to have it!

What does Mom love most about her?

I love that spark of adventure that she has. She literally is the happiest baby I have ever met and smiles at just about everything. She is feisty and loving all in one. 

Describe her in three words.

Daring. Affectionate. Feisty. 

What got Mom interested in photography? 

I started three years ago because I always loved it but never had the time. When our son was born we decided it would be best for me to stay home with him, so my husband then bought me all my starting photography gear and told me to do it! So I have ever since. 

Wow, that's super cool and very lucky for you! So, does Mom have a photography website?

Yes, I do! On Facebook you can find us at "A Little Miracle Photography" and my website is here.