Part Three: Embarrassing (But Hilarious) Nanny Confessions

Photo courtesy Alsudiz via public domain
Photo courtesy Alsudiz via public domain

by chelle cochran

Special Announcement!

“The three-year-old boy I took care of had diarrhea. A few days later, we went to a restaurant for lunch and he proceeds to shout out (while standing up in his stroller) "I have diarrhea!" The whole place roared with laughter.” -Linda in Illinois

Topless (Accidental) Nanny!

“I went to the beach with my nanny family. I was in the ocean with DadBoss and a violent wave made my top come off slightly exposing myself to him. So mortifying.” -Ally in California

Pucker Up, Nanny!

“Once when I was watching the boys and their cousins, DadBoss came down to say goodnight before their nap time. After DadBoss was done giving all the kids hugs and kisses, one of the cousins said, "You forgot about Nikki!!" And DadBoss replied, 'Nikki doesn't want a kiss from me!'” -Nikki in Utah


"One Friday, I was babysitting and the one-year-old ripped the crotch of my yoga pants. That would have been okay, but the dad works in law enforcement and the family has nanny cams all over the home. DadBoss sent me a text about thirty minutes later that said 'There's a sewing kit in the office. Sorry'.” -Stacey in Ohio

Siri Says What?!

“I have an iPhone with the Siri feature. I was talking to MomBoss and DadBoss at the end of the day. Somehow, I activated Siri while talking to them and Siri responds with "What was that, Princess Poops A Lot?" Little did I know, my fiancé changed my name in my phone to Princess Poops A Lot.” -Lauren in Pennsylvania


“I got a text once from MomBoss stating that my charge announced at dinner that my underwear were prettier than her mommy's. I purposely wear full coverage undies (while working) because I almost always have an audience when going out, but I guess my patterns and colors are a little more lively than MomBoss’s.” -Michelle in Maryland


"I have a large rear end that my pants don't stay on very well because I have to buy bigger waist sizes to fit my behind. One day when MomBoss was home because she had just had the new baby I was sitting on the floor playing with the twins and one of them said to me, 'Megan, you need to pull your pants up; your butt is hanging out!' I was mortified!" -Megan in Ohio

Capturing Memories

“My bosses and their older son went to Europe a few years ago and left me and the boys (who were infants) at home. When they came back, their then six-year-old gave me his camera so I could see his pictures. MomBoss was looking over my shoulder as I looked through pictures of hotel rooms, stuffed animals, and other things that interest six-year-olds, when suddenly I flipped to a full-frontal naked pic of my DadBoss. I said, 'Well, I'm done with this!" and handed the camera to DadBoss. Not sure which one of us was more embarrassed.” -Amber in Michigan


If you have a horrendously embarrassing nanny moment you’d like to share for possible consideration, please send an email with your funny story, first name, and state to Chelle Cochran at