No Excuses: 5 Things You Need to Be Doing in 2014

Photo by Hakee Chang via Flickr Creative Commons
Photo by Hakee Chang via Flickr Creative Commons

by kasandra polowski

New year, new you. That's how the saying goes. With New Year’s Day here, you may be committed to upholding whatever promises you’ve made to yourself for self improvement in 2014, but whatever your goal, here's are 5 easy goals you should set for yourself for this year and every year.

1. Water isn't just for the fish.

Your body is made mostly of water, so keeping it hydrated is of utmost importance. And calling all dieters! Drinking water helps you regulate your weight. Beauty benefits? Being hydrated keeps your skin glowing and keeps the chapped lips at bay. As role models to our nanny kids, drinking plenty of water daily shows children how to stay healthy by choosing water over other sugary drinks.

2. If you don't snooze enough, you lose.

According to Duke University scientists, when it comes to sleep depravation, "women suffer more than men, both mentally and physically, if they are forced to skimp on their sleep.” Not getting enough sleep comes with other risks, such as increased risk for heart disease, depression and psychological problems, and extra blood clotting factors in their blood, which can lead to a stroke. So make sure you get in your beauty sleep this year.

3. It's time to take more pride in you!

As nannies, we tend to dress for comfort, which is great for playing with our charges, but take some time for yourself this year. Splurge to get a nice hair treatment or a relaxing mani/pedi every now and then. I love to treat myself to a massage a few times a year or a few dressy shopping trips to stock up on clothes to wear off the clock. Even just getting a simple haircut can help you focus more on yourself. Whatever it is, do something that makes you feel good and proud to be in the skin you’re in.

4. Start planning for your future with a savings account.

I know sometimes the budget can get tight at times, but setting up a savings account is a smart move for 2014. There are plenty of free accounts through local banks. You don't even need to put that much away every week. Depending on your budget, try putting $5 to $25 away weekly. It will come in handy for not only for your future but in case of any unexpected expenses for the new year.

5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away?

More like a vitamin a day keeps the doctor away! As nannies, we work around sick kids all the time, leaving us open to sickness. This year try taking a daily multivitamin to help your immune system out! It's a simple step toward a healthier new year and new you!

Try these five simple routines this year and see how they make 2014 the best it can be.